We know you’ve probably already looked up stoner hacks on reddit, but we’ve created a list of secret stoner tips that you probably haven’t heard before. These pro stoner tips will teach you how to be a better stoner and are true life hacks for us potheads wanting to elevate the stoner lifestyle through resourcefulness and ingenuity. Now take a hit from your bong and buckle up, because we’re going for a ride!

Mango and marijuana
The combination of this tropical fruit and sweet mary jane provides you the ultimate stoner experience , as mango intensifies the effects of marijuana. Myrcene, a terpene found in mangoes, interacts with THC and increases the maximum saturation level of the CB1 receptor. This means that if you consume mango about 45 minutes prior to cannabis consumption, the psychoactive effects will be at an all-time high and you will maximize your smoke sesh. This is perfect for the times you’re running low on ganja or you’re trying to practice self-control and stop at one joint. Make the most out of smoking weed and increase your fruit intake at the same time!
Stoner playlists to move and groove with MJ
Sometimes (most times) a little music can motivate you to get on with your day. Especially if you’re lighting up when that music hits it is an unbeatable combination. We highly suggest you queue up a playlist that will leave you energized, inspired and feeling good. Whether you listen to hip-hop, reggae, or just need some background noise, check out our best Spotify playlists for when you’re high . You can also take advantage of the Spotify Made For You Playlists if you’re already high and can’t seem to get it together with your music choices (it happens).
Don’t cry over spilled milk, or weed
We’ve all had an experience where we’re about to roll or pack a bowl and your freshly grinded weed spills EVERYWHERE. I’m sure you’re annoyed just thinking about it. But have no fear, the nylon and vacuum trick is here! You can use nylon (or a sock, preferably a clean one) to wrap around the vacuum suction. Turn on your vacuum and start sucking up that green, then when you’re finished and the vacuum is turned off - your weed is cleaned up and you can still use it!
As a side note, planning ahead as a stoner is ideal and can avoid costly mistakes. If you have a habit of dropping your weed on carpet or anything similar, make sure to grind and prepare your weed on a flat surface to avoid any messes.
Eyedrops before your smoke sesh
This always seemed like a no-brainer but people are constantly amazed by this little hack. If you are a functional stoner andare about to go to work, or see mom and pop and haven’t come out to the family yet about your love of the leaf, then this hack is for you. Apply eye drops (ones that combat redness is recommended) before you smoke. Your eyes will never get red and give you that stoned look we all know too well. Voila! It’s that simple. You’d be surprised how many people forget to use eye drops and it’s a little too late when your eyes are already red. If you don’t have the time to be looking stoned, keep eye drops on deck at all times and apply apply apply. It works every time! And now you can go Thanksgiving and all of your family gatherings blazed. You’ll get along better than ever!

Honey hack
Isn’t it frustrating when your joint is burning way too quickly and it starts to become uneven? It totally throws off the entire vibe and can kill the mood. We got you, honey! If you line your joint with honey, it will help to burn slowly and evenly. You don’t need to apply too much, so start small. Not only is this a typical household item that can be found almost anywhere, but your joint will also taste delicious! It’s a win-win.
Stash box
As a successful stoner, you are obliged to have the essentials when trying to get high. Weed jar, grinder, papers, pieces, lighters, toilet paper rolls, garbage bags, plastic spoon, plastic bottle, dryer sheets, empty pill bottle, rubbing alcohol, the list goes on. It is best to keep a box handy so you can stash your cannabis belongings in a safe place. Especially if your stash could be accessed by children, it is best to keep your equipment hidden and out of the way. You can use any box laying around, or you can step it up a notch and get a smell-proof bag that cuts out the paranoia especially while on the go. Keeping a stash box will help you stay organized and ready to roll on a moment’s notice.
Lighter magnet
That moment when you’ve packed a fresh bowl, got your munchies warmed up for your post-toke pleasure, all you need is a lighter, but classically you’ve lost it again. Behold the lighter magnet trick. If you glue a small magnet to your bong (or stash box) you can attach your lighter and never have to search for it again. This also helps you identify those moments where someone is “accidentally” stealing your lighter and you can call them out quickly when you notice it is not right where it should be. Also, don’t be that person that steals lighters.
Cover up
For the functional stoners that like to smoke during their lunch break and return to work as if nothing happened - you need to be on your A-game to pull this off. It is definitely doable, but as a disclaimer, you should always know your limitations. Getting too high and not being able to return to work is never a good look and we do not recommend this. What we do suggest, is having essentials in your stash box so that you’re able to cover your tracks.
Jacket: helps to mask the smell and avoid transferring onto your work clothes.
Hand Gloves: optional, it helps to avoid smelly hands but it may get you some weird looks if it’s summer in Los Angeles and you’re wearing Havaianas.
Body Spray: people will notice your perfume instead of smelling the spliff you just smoked. But don’t go crazy. No one likes the overpowering pungency of Axe. Reminds us of junior high when all the girls gave you a five-foot radius.
Eyedrops: previously covered so you know the deal. Reminder to apply before consumption.
Hand Sanitizer: wash your hands afterward, it makes a world of a difference.
Travel-sized Mouthwash: swish in your cotton mouth before going inside, no need to bring a toothbrush and do all the extra stuff mid-day. You’re welcome.
The best stoner hacks could be an infinite list. There are too many gems to share, but this list is a good place to start. These weed hacks are not to overwhelm you, but to enhance your experience! Remember to enjoy it because that’s the whole point. What is your best stoner hack that’s not on this list? Share with us in the comments!