I was amazed when I first saw the box I loved it, it is so nice and well packaged. It has its own designed box and comes with a bowl, banger, glass marbles, and the bong itself. The bong is made of very strong glass, the top is more strong than the bottom but the bottom is still made with strong glass. Putting the marbles in was scary felt like I would crack the glass but nope not at all like I said the glass is very strong. The bottom has a connected downstream and is an ash catcher as well as a matrix perc which hits soooo smoothly. The gumballs do not move when you take a hit so don't expect that, they are heavy glass marbles so just have an open mind. Overall this bong exceeded my expectations and I will definitely be getting the teal one as well. Also, another thing to mind the marbles take some time to clean because you need to clean them one by one, I recommend using alcohol pads to wipe them down.