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Making Dabs Dab Tool

Making Dabs Dab Tool

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Regular price $7.10
Regular price Sale price $7.10
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Arrive by: Saturday, Dec 14 - Thursday, Dec 19
Fastest delivery: Friday, Dec 13

The Making Dabs Dab Tool is a must have for avid fans of the dark AMC series. The top of the tools features a Jesse-esque character in a hazmat suit, doing what we hope is getting ready to a rip of concentrate. The stainless-steel handle has two ergonomic gripping points and sharp end for cutting up your concentrates.

The Good

If you think too much about some aspects of anything controversial, especially when two good arguments exist on either side, you’ll experience a bout with cognitive dissonance. The internal conflict is difficult when, say, applying it to Walter’s situation early in the series. What lengths does one go through to protect family and their own interests at the cost of harming others? Ideally, it’s something to discuss from an extrinsic perspective, rather than experiencing a trying situation first hand. If you like to dab and watch crime dramas like Breaking Bad, this tool will help with handling concentrates but you’re on your own with whatever internal strife it creates.

The Bad

The “M” and “D” have no association with dabbing, are not actual atomic symbols plus, “7” and “10” are the numbers for nitrogen and neon, respectively.

The Ugly

Knowing people who’ve tried to emulate the show and are now in trouble with the law.

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Making Dabs Dab Tool

Stainless steel dab tool textured middle part for easy grip with a bright Making Dabs MD design on the handle