All About 420 Fest

March 26th, 2021

Although COVID-19 precautions seem to be loosening up and with vaccination shots rolling out we could all be living our best lives again, including attending festivals! Unfortunately, many 420 festivals have been cancelled due to COVID precautions in place and another year bites the dust because of the pandemic. But that doesn’t mean we can’t relive the memories that 420 fests have given us! There are many 420 fests in major and surrounding cities where all stoners meet and vibe - here is what you should know all about 420 fest so you can prepare for when things start to open up. 

Cannabis Cup

High Times Magazine has set up the Cannabis Cup , founded all the way back in 1988 in Amsterdam by former High Times editor Steve Hager. The Cannabis Cup has expanded globally and into a whirlwind of events, from showcasing the best cannabis products in blind competitions to holding festivals worldwide celebrating top class weed. Previously having held 420 festivals in SoCal, NorCal, to Colorado and all the way to Michigan, judges like Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa would be in attendance and crowds were just wavy with good vibes. Because of COVID-19 closures, the Cannabis Cup pivoted and made the fellow cannabis community the judge of the region’s best by offering 224 kits per category in competitions throughout the country. This year, there are events in Arizona, Michigan, and NorCal with a Hemp Cump as well featuring all things CBD!

Pennsylvania Cannabis Festival

>Founded in 2015, the Pennsylvania Cannabis Festival is a place for the keystone state to celebrate all things weed and do it properly! Being in the top 5 of most populated states in America, Penn CannaFest is focused on raising awareness and working to end cannabis prohibition everywhere. This year, the festival will be held on April 17th and 18th, is of course outdoors and also pet friendly! Mask up and enjoy the social distance tokes!

National Cannabis Festival

Anyone near Washington, D.C. can enjoy the National Cannabis Festival that has been rescheduled to announce a later date this year in June 2021. Also founded in 2015, cannabis enthusiasts formed this 420 festival to celebrate the legalization of marijuana in Washington D.C. as well as nationwide. In previous years crowds came from as many as 30 states making up over 5,000 attendees - that’s a lot of cannabis lovers! Bringing attention to ending marjuana prohibition and other cannabis-related issues, NCF offers different experiences, from a VIP package and even vegan-friendly food options at a part of NCF called The Munchies Zone!

FlyHi 420 Festival

Claimed to be the world’s largest 420 festival in Denver, Colorado the FlyHI 420 Festival is a free cannabis event that also welcomes all ages but definitely recommended you are of legal age due to the nature of this festival and wanting to partake in a smoke sesh here or there. Featuring food trucks, various cannabis vendors and more, you’re bound to have a good time with friends and kick it on 420 at a cool festival like this if you’re in the area. Since you’re outside you can safely social distance and still have a good time with the homies!

SweetWater 420 Fest

If you happen to be in the Atlanta, Georgia area the SweetWater 420 Fest is definitely the place to be. Unfortunately, this 420 festival has been cancelled for 2021 due to COVID precautions, but those that have attended in the past were in for a ride! SweetWater is actually a brewery that infuses terpenes of cannabis strains and makes for an extra lit happy hour. SweetWater also holds a 5K race that has also been cancelled, but nonetheless you can get your fitness in then celebrate with a nice cold cannabis can of beer. Keep your eye out for when this festival is rescheduled it is worth checking out!

There are many 420 fests going on all over the world and surely around the U.S., so make sure to check your local groups on Facebook to see if restrictions are allowing any festivals to happen near you. 420 festivals are special in their own right because it brings together cannabis lovers from all over the globe to do nothing but have a good time and learn more about the beautiful plant Mother Earth created for us. Make sure you get a unique bong so you can be stocked and ready for your next 420 festivities!

Also in Everything 420 Blog